Cheryl Strayed Net Worth

In addition to her four books Wild, Tiny Beautiful Things, Brave Enough, and Torch, Strayed has published essays in various magazines, including The Washington Post Magazine, The New York Times Magazine, Vogue, Tin House, The Missouri Review, and The Sun Magazine. Her work has been selected three times for inclusion in The Best American Essays ("Heroin/e" in the 2000 edition, and "The Love of My Life" in the 2003 edition, and "My Uniform" in the 2015 edition). Strayed was the guest Editor of The Best American Essays 2013. She won a Pushcart Prize for her essay, "Munro Country," which was originally published in The Missouri Review. The essay is about a letter Strayed received from Alice Munro, when she was a young Writer and Munro's influence on Strayed's writing.
