AUTISM IN LOVE | Love on the Autism Spectrum

Autism in Love 

Directed and Produced by
Matt Fuller

Based on a Concept by
Ira Heilveil

Executive Producer
Ira Heilveil

Produced by
Carolina Groppa

Edited by
Alex O’Flinn

Cinematography by
Scott Uhlfelder

Key Production and Research Assistant
Gabriela Mariscal

Music by
Mac Quayle

Score Producer
Mac Quayle

Additional Music
Julian Scherle

James Harrah

“Nocturne #2 in Eb Major”
Performed by Sam Johnides

Post-Production Services
Company 3

Bryan Smaller

Color Producer
Alexis Guajardo

Sound Design and Mix
Mike Franklin

Audio Post-Production Services
Beacon St. Sound

Special Thanks
Alex Plank
Arman Khodaei
Bill and Dolores McDowell
Brandon Driscoll-Luttringer
Bully Pictures
Chris Villalobos
Collin and Regina Blake
Dashiell Reinhart
Dr. Liz Laugeson
Drew Lindo
Erin Sullivan
Howard McBroom
J.D. Koumendakis
Jerry Sukys
Jessica Hopkins
Jillian Van Leuven
Judy Mark
Jonté LeGras
Karisme Cuellar
Kat Primeau
Marc Allante
Michele Carrizo
Misty Monroe
Mike Nowotarski
Musme Bravo
Nikki Tomlinson
Oliver Butcher
Paulina Basterra
Ryan Suffern
Sam Stern and Charlotte Chase
Sean and Janet Braziel
Stephanie Greco
Steven Berger
Taunee English
The Felix Family
The Goodman Family
The Groppa Family
The Hamrick Family
The Nebeker Family
Tim Powell
Tim Weyers
Tony Pinizzotto
Valerie Levett
Veronica Beach
Walter Clark
Yuri Baranosvky

Funding Provided in Part by
Michael Bennet
Kelly McNearny
Jason Forest
Sheri and Stan Ulrich
Monica Halperin
Deloris Hively
Marco Hansell
Marsha McKeon
Joe Rey
Lee Villalobos
Craig Skrzypecki
Hovig Menkaian
Ruena Mantes
Ryan Stander
Caitlin Ulrich-Smith
Joan Melanson
Matt Woods
Bethany McMillan
Vicki Ordeshook
Allison Leffingwell
Astrid Downs
John Boone
Johnny Recher
Yvette Sears
Tyler Brown
And others. A complete list is available from PBS.

Autism in Love is a co-production of Autism In Love, LLC. and CG Entertainment.

This film was produced by Autism In Love, LLC which is solely responsible for its content.

© 2014, Autism In Love, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
